The summer season is fast approaching. With most Connecticut schools commencing the academic year in the coming weeks – that means more kids home (again) from school and families planning recreational activities to do outside. This summer, as life returns to normal and more locations lift COVID restrictions, it’s important to ensure your home is operating efficiently and safely.
Here are a few things you’ll want to consider this summer for ultimate safety.
Check Your Mailbox
It’s important for postal carriers that your mailbox is in working order so they can leave all of the mail for you to safely retrieve it. If you notice worn and rusted hinges or it’s damaged in any way now’s a great time to replace it. While you’re there, check that your home’s address numbers are visible so that deliveries can be made promptly and more importantly so first responders can find your house in the case of an emergency.
Cut the Grass
It goes without saying that keeping your lawn well maintained is a must in the summer months. Letting your grass grow long and wild can be a blight issue in some towns and it can also create potential areas for intruders to get in. While you’re trimming back branches and cutting the grass- be sure to pull any debris out of the gutters and repair any damaged fencing.
Clean Your Cameras
Outdoor security cameras are a great tool for thwarting theft. During the winter months, they can become dirty or damaged. Be sure they are in working order this summer and that the batteries have been replaced. If there are spider webs or other debris blocking the camera view, be sure to clear it all away so your home is always being monitored as intended.
Service Your Home Heating Systems
The summer months are a great time to have fuel-burning appliances serviced and cleaned for the year as they will get a rest during the warm season and technicians will have the chance to inspect and replace any worn parts without disrupting your day-to-day.
Share Rules for All Visitors
Whether you enjoy hosting company over at your house during the summer season or your children have friends over – it’s important to establish rules for safety at your home. This includes no unattended swimmers in the pool, trampoline safety, and using the appropriate sunscreen and bug protection while outdoors.