We’ve come to that time of year when the weather is getting crisp, the days are getting shorter and little ones are getting excited to dress up as their favorite characters in hopes of scoring a giant bag of candy to enjoy. Trick or treating is just as much an exciting time for kids today as it was decades ago for those to take part in the festivities.
Over time though, Halloween has evolved and changed. Today, it’s a holiday that’s celebrated by all age groups and each year includes new trends for celebrating. Neighborhood lawns are now decorated with elaborate blow-up decorations not just a hand-carved pumpkin on the porch and communities are hosting “Trunk or Treat” events as a safe alternative to canvassing the roadways.
Here’s an update to typical Halloween precautions list (i.e. use flashlights and check candy) to include new ways that keep safety top of mind.
Plan for an Alternative Event
Depending on the age of your child, you may wish to plan for a scheduled event to attend. Something indoors that won’t be affected by inclement weather and something that brings together your local neighbors to enjoy the costumes on display. Trick or treating is slowly becoming less about door-to-door walking in many neighborhoods as safer alternatives emerge. Not only is there a lot more traffic today, but not everyone is sitting at home by their door and waiting like in the past. Trunk or Treat events are organized events at a local parking lot where families can decorate the trunks of their cars and pass out candy to costume wearing trick or treaters.
Adult supervision is still required at these events even in a controlled environment you should help
ensure your child safely walks the lot to collect their treats.
Better Treat Options & Checking
Most informed adults today understand the dangers that sugar presents. From spikes in insulin to weight gain and even cavities, the proof that limiting candy consumption for anyone is best has already been laid out. On this one holiday where candy has traditionally been the focus, it can be hard to change course or to be the one with the “boring” options. Handing out crackers or toothbrushes isn’t the only option. Others include small penny toys, activity pads, and coloring books or even small snack bags.
While you might not have to check it like candy before consumption, it’s still a good idea to inspect the toys and other treats in the bag. As choking hazards and other risks could still be present.
Costume Hazards
Costumes today are more creative and elaborate thanks to the Internet. However the more intricate a costume, the closer monitored they should be. Masks present a danger of limiting sight, especially peripheral vision and long flowing fabrics can
easily catch fire if they brush up against a lit candle. This year’s range of popular costume choices include pirates, superheroes and unicorns. Depending on how fancy you get with costumes, you should always wear them with caution (adult or child) and be sure that you can safely navigate the Halloween party of Trick or Treating event without putting yourself or others in danger.
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Happy Halloween!