Water damage from within a home is one of the leading causes of insurance claims. Old plumbing and blocked drains are often the causes of this type of damage. If you’re operating under the assumption that your home is covered for water damage, it’s time to check your policy to make sure. (Note, this coverage is separate from flood insurance, which is a different policy altogether.)
First, it’s worthwhile to educate yourself about homeowner’s insurance policies when it comes to water damage.
Types of Water Damage Policies
There are several levels of water damage coverage that might be included in a homeowner’s policy. These include:
Base policy. Coverage for sudden, accidental releases of water that emanate from inside the home, or water damage resulting from a covered loss.
Water backup. Coverage for damage from water backing up from off the property into the home due to clogs, blockages or a failed sump pump.
Service line. Coverage for physical loss or damage to covered service lines in the residence that is the direct result of a service line failure.
Seepage or leakage. Coverage for accidental, continuous seeps or leaks of water or streams within a household appliance or plumbing, heating or air conditioning system.
Do I Need Additional Water Damage Coverage?
This will depend on the age, type, and location of the home. Some home characteristics may point to a significant need for additional water damage coverage.
How old is the home? As plumbing ages, decay may go undetected until a small leak causes severe damage to the surrounding wall, floor or ceiling. Water seepage or leakage coverage could cover the cost of tearing out and replacing any part of a building necessary to repair the system or appliance where the leak began, including direct coverage for fungi.
Is there a basement? Water backup coverage would provide protection in the event water backs up from a drain or sump pump. Consider putting in place higher limits that will cover higher mitigation costs if the basement is finished.
Are there trees on the property? Large trees can wreak havoc on service lines and block drains. Carrying service line coverage could mitigate some of the risks associated with tree roots.
The type of heating and cooling. Leaking water in radiant heating systems and condensation within air conditioning ducts can both result in water damage within a home’s flooring or walls. Seepage or leakage coverage offers protection for these situations.
Consult With a Knowledgeable Insurance Agent in Connecticut
It’s important for property owners in Connecticut to have a reliable insurance agent on their side. To be sure that your home insurance is properly insured for potential water damage, review your coverage in advance. In Connecticut, Petruzelo Insurance offers business, personal, and auto policies that fit your needs and protect you in the event of hurricane- or storm-related damage. Call us at 866-479-3327 or visit our website for more information.