As we enter a new decade, one thing remains important in modern culture and that is the deep ties we’ve made with technologies – especially the Internet. Today, connected devices are making it possible to stay connected with people located across geographical locations, save on communications and even more easily pay our bills, shop or learn about new topics. With so much dependency being placed on devices and the internet, it was only time before the aging population, once apprehensive about technology picked up on the trend. Today the number of seniors using the internet is growing.
As more seniors use technology it is critical that they also become informed about the dangers lurking online and for maintaining safety when connecting to these tools and platforms. Social media is one of the largest targets – especially for beginners are they harmlessly looking to connect with family and friends who are far. If you have a senior in your life who’s making the move to modern ways and has been using social media, be sure to go over some of these important tips with them to keep them safe while online.
Review Social Media Best Practices
When it comes to social media especially it’s important to review best practices for how to conduct behavior and what to share via the public channels. Newer users may not understand how they can protect their privacy by sharing things within limited groups and what some of the norms are so they don’t accidentally overshare, trust a spoof friend request or click a seemingly okay link and compromise their identity.
Keep Up-to-Date on Scams
It’s important to keep seniors who may not hear from other sources about the latest cyber threats and scams circulating. Their limited reach for this kind of information is what makes them a predictable target for criminals. Share any and all information with them as soon as it’s released so they can protect themselves while online.
Update Their Security Software
Chances are, seniors won’t be able to install, run or update the security software on their devices. It’s best to ensure that these protections are in place – especially if they’ve had the device for a while. New patches and updates sometimes require additional steps to update.
Consider Cyber Insurance
Adding personal cyber protection to your homeowner’s insurance is a smart move today as more and more devices and internet users are falling victim to sophisticated attacks from cybercriminals. The coverage can help with expenses incurred, fraud protection services needed and even to restore computer systems after an attack.