Colors Of Autumn Background. Bright Colors Fall Season Outdoor

Autumn in Connecticut means that temperatures and leaves are falling, and snow will likely be here soon. Preparing your home for seasonal changes can help you prevent problems and save money in the long run.

Inspect Your Home’s Exterior

Before winter arrives, it’s essential to check your house for any signs of damage and address them right away. Use binoculars to inspect your roof from the ground. Be on the lookout for any shingles that are missing, loose, or curling and any loose or damaged flashing. If you see a problem, you’ll need to have a roofing contractor make repairs before the water gets under the shingles and makes matters worse. 

You should also inspect the siding. Even small gaps or cracks can allow cold air to enter your house and warm air to escape, which can drive up your winter heating bills. Spaces in the siding can also be entry points for animals that are looking for shelter and warmth. If squirrels or other animals get into your house, they can damage the structure and your personal belongings and leave waste in your attic.

Clean the Gutters

When leaves fall from trees near your house, they can land in the gutters. If you don’t clean the gutters, they can get so clogged that rainwater can’t pass through them. Water that gets backed up can damage your roof and siding. 

You can clean the gutters yourself or hire a contractor to do it. You might want to invest in gutter guards that can keep debris out of the gutters so you won’t have to worry about cleaning them as often.

Clean up the Yard

Allowing leaves to pile up can keep the grass from getting enough sunlight and make it vulnerable to disease and mold. Remove leaves from your lawn with a rake or leaf blower or use your lawn mower to cut them up.

Inspect the trees in your yard and look for any signs of damage or decay. If you spot a problem, have a local professional trim, prune, or brace the tree so you won’t have to worry about a branch falling on your roof or car.

Check Your Insurance Coverage

Make it a habit to review your homeowner’s insurance coverage once a year. Your needs might have changed if you’ve made home improvements or acquired valuable items. If so, you might have to modify your policy to keep pace with your current circumstances.

Petruzelo Insurance makes the process of finding the right homeowners coverage as simple as possible. We can discuss your needs and get you quotes from several leading insurance companies. Contact us today to learn more.