As the world continues to grapple with the Coronavirus pandemic, many families are still adjusting to new school schedules and remote learning. While some districts have returned to the physical classroom, others are working on split schedules with children both home and in-school.
However your home is managing with these new norms in your child’s education, it’s important that you continue to stay on top of privacy and security concerns and remain vigilant about protecting their identity while online.
Here are some tips to stay ahead of potential threats and manage Internet use for your child.
Understand the Threats & Know the Warning Signs
As with everything online, an abundance of caution should always be taken. From the links in an email to the other person communicating in an email, having your guard up at all times is critical for safety. Never divulge private data in an online chat and teach your children to only speak with their teachers and peers when they are logged into the school provided platform. Other social media channels that are not monitored or accredited for academics can lead to other dangers. By staying abreast of the latest security threats and understanding the warning signs of malware or other suspicious activity happening on the computer you can more promptly react and diffuse the situation.
Button Up Your Security
If you’ve never given much thought to extra security measures like a firewall, hard to guess passwords and updated security software for your home computers, now is a good time to look into these tools. With so many fraudsters out there looking for vulnerable targets during these times you can never be too protected.
Keep an Open Conversation
Earning your child’s trust can go a long way in helping to keep them safe and protected. This goes for everything they do in life. Right now, as many are navigating new territories and learning the new remote education process, its more important than ever to speak openly with your children about the serious dangers that are lurking online and how they can best protect themselves and the family by practicing safe internet use.