Premiums for auto insurance policies seem to be rising all the time. There are a number of reasons why, and some of them are beyond your control: these include rising costs to fix vehicles, increasing fraud, and the escalating costs of medical care that would be needed in the event of an accident. While you may not be able to do anything about these factors, there are some steps you can take to try and lower your premiums.
Raise Your Deductible
By opting to pay a higher deductible, which is the amount you’re responsible for before insurance kicks in, you can often lower your premium payments. You’re still covered in the event of an incident), but you’ll pay more upfront if you get into an accident.
Enroll in Automatic Payments
Many auto insurers will give you a discount if you enroll in their auto-pay programs, which deduct the money for the premium from your bank account at a pre-set time rather than relying on you to manually pay the bill when your premiums are due.
Bundling Your Insurance
If you have one company for your home or renter’s policy and another for your auto insurance, you may be missing out on some significant discounts. By “bundling” your policies together, you can often pay less for all your insurance premiums.
Taking Advantage of Military Discounts
If you or your spouse are active, retired, or a reserved member of the military, you can sometimes find companies that will offer discounts based on your service.
Be A Good Student
For young drivers, being a good student can often earn you some discounts on your auto insurance policy.
Drive Safely
Safe drivers with good records pay less for their auto insurance. Be certain to avoid speeding, tailgating, driving under the influence, and other unsafe behaviors. Moving violations, accidents, and speeding tickets will classify you as a risky driver, and your insurance rates will reflect this reality. If you’ve had accidents and speeding tickets in the past, some insurance companies will offer a safe driving course that, once completed, will see your rates lowered.
Tell Your Insurance Company if You Work from Home
Many workers spend fewer hours on the road each week than before the COVID-19 pandemic. If this is indeed the case, be sure to tell your insurance company. Fewer miles driven translates to lower risk and may therefore lower your premiums.
Finally, Remember to Shop Around
Before you settle on an insurance policy, be sure to get several quotes either online or from a licensed insurance agent. It’s important to remember that the cheapest insurance may not be the best option for you. A licensed insurance agent can help you evaluate your needs and find a policy that fits your life and your budget. Your insurance agent can also help you find ways to reduce your premium costs with different policies and coverage, or by bundling your policies. In Connecticut, Petruzelo Insurance offers personal and business policies that fit your needs and protect your home and business. Call us at 866-479-3327 or visit our website for more information.