Here in Connecticut, Governor Lamont has announced phase one of the Reopening plans for the state is set to go into effect on May 20. This opening date isn’t mandatory but for those businesses that have met the guidelines and feel safe to open, they may. It includes additional retail stores that had been part of the shutdowns as well as personal services like hairdressers and restaurants – without outside only dining allowed.

The goal of the sector guidelines are part of the efforts to restore Connecticut’s quality of life and have been established to proactively protect public health and speed up the pace of economic, educational, and community recovery.

As an employer, it is important to follow all of the guidelines that have been put in place by the CDC and the appointment task force to ensure proper social distancing continues to occur as retail commerce locations open.

Assess Your Risk

A risk assessment is a critical step for all businesses prior to opening. There should be a comprehensive plan for training, mitigating risks, and understanding if opening your office’s doors is critical for incoming revenue. Not all locations must open in order to generate business. If your employees or typical clients are older or at-risk age groups, it might make sense to still wait and continue work from home for the time being.

Don’t Rush In if You Don’t Have to

The new norm will not look as things did before the pandemic struck. Everyone will still be wearing masks, six-foot distances will still be required and if you’re an office that can have employees work from home, you’re being advised to still allow for that to reduce the threat of the virus spreading. If you’re looking to get back to how it used to be, this is not going to be the case.  Infection spread can happen in open spaces and layouts so limit the gatherings to less than 5 people and stop all use of shared devices and appliances.

Be Prepared for Strict Cleaning Protocols

If you still want to open anyways you will have to certify that you have met the minimal disinfection steps for your building before employees can return and you can open for business. Those steps will be released later this week. Hand sanitizer should be available at the entrance location and other disinfecting wipes and sprays must be provided around the location. PPE equipment for employees and any visitors are required to be provided.

Give yourself sufficient time for learning, adoption of behaviors, and creating improved health metrics. Without this, and if public health metrics deteriorate, the State may choose to revert back to stricter safeguards.

The CT.GOV website has sector-specific details for reopening and is a great resource for all the latest developments.