For many people, a car suits their needs just fine. For large families or individuals who need to move large or bulky items on a regular basis, however, a minivan or cargo van may be a better option.
Facts about Minivans and Cargo Vans That You Should Consider
A minivan or cargo van will cost more than a car to buy and to maintain. If you purchase a larger vehicle, be prepared to spend thousands of dollars a year more for gas, maintenance, and insurance than you do with a sedan.
Driving a van or minivan is very different than driving a car. Since a minivan or van is higher than a car, the driver has better visibility. Some people enjoy driving a larger vehicle, while for others it’s a source of anxiety.
Pros and Cons of a Minivan
A car may feel cramped, especially when taking family trips. Space may be tight when driving your kids to and from sporting events and other activities where they need to transport gear and may want to carpool with friends. A minivan has several rows of seating, and it may be possible to remove the rear seats to transport large items.
Having multiple rows of seating in a minivan can give you room to travel with a large group and let everyone spread out, but that can present challenges when traveling with kids. If someone spills a drink, or if siblings get into an argument, it can be hard to address the situation if you’re driving and the kids are at the opposite end of the vehicle.
A minivan can be an excellent vehicle for a family vacation, but if you don’t travel frequently, the additional cost of ownership might not be worth it. Renting a minivan for a trip might be a more cost-effective solution.
Reasons to Consider Buying a Cargo Van
If you’re looking for a vehicle to use for work or for projects that require you to move large supplies, a cargo van may be an excellent choice. It can be helpful when transporting furniture, boxes, building and renovating supplies, and items with irregular shapes. Unlike a pickup truck, which has an open cab, a van is enclosed and can be locked to prevent theft. The contents of a cargo van can also be protected from rain and snow. Since a van is designed primarily for transporting cargo, passenger space is limited.
Think about Insurance Costs
If you’re considering purchasing a minivan or cargo van, be sure to weigh the pros and cons. You should also think about the cost of auto insurance coverage. Petruzelo Insurance can help you compare coverage and rates from several leading carriers.
Contact us today to learn more.