The month of March is dedicated to bringing awareness to eating healthy and recognizing the professionals who help us achieve our health goals.
Started back in the ’70s by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, “National Nutrition Month” and “Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day” is focused on creating better eating habits and learning what foods you should be eating each day to support a healthy life.
To celebrate, we’re offering you 3 tips to get you started on a better eating regimen.
1. Learn & Research
New information based on studies conducted by researchers is constantly being introduced. It’s important to keep a tab on these latest developments to truly understand what “good nutrition” looks like. It’s easy to follow along with all of the recommendations online from others but you could also pick up false information about eliminating food groups or miss key ingredients our bodies need. The best way to come up with a clean, sensible and sustainable eating plan is to do your homework and speak to a professional for their advice on what your daily food consumption should look like.
2. Keep Things Interesting
As with anything, over time, it’s easy to get bored. If you eat the same exact thing every single day for a few months you’ll likely not want to stick to the regimen and it might even stop offering the weight loss and benefits it once did. Keep things interesting to go for the long haul with better eating. Search for recipes online, purchase cookbooks and dine out at new restaurants that serve a variety of options from different cultures. Enjoying an outing with friends doesn’t have to be a caloric disaster if you’re armed with information on the best, tastiest options that won’t sabotage your efforts.
3. Be Consistent
Unlike diets of the past that have always promoted sticking to a deficit or change in food options for a set period time until a desired amount of weight was lost. Today, eating healthy is about more than just dropping some extra pounds. It’s about enjoying the experience we have at each meal, savoring every bite of the food and knowing that what we’re consuming is nourishing and powering our bodies to support our health and daily lives. This new take will lend itself to consistently wanting to feel great and making better food choices.
For the month of March, make a point to work on these 3 tips and sit for family dinners enjoying the new recipes you discover.
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