With active winter storms making their way through New England, it’s important to be aware of the potential risk for fires this time of year. From space heaters to electrical problems and dirty exhaust systems, it’s important to spot the issues in advance to best protect your home and business.

Here are some tips for fire safety at your home and business.

Regular Safety Checks

One of the best ways to be prepared for a fire is to ensure they never have a chance to start. By performing regular safety checks at your home and business you will lessen the chance of a fire sparking from damaged wires, shorts or irresponsible uses of heating sources. Check that all fire alarms are working monthly and never skip important cleanings of furnace and exhaust systems.

Space Heater Rules

Sometimes no matter how much you crank up the heat a room is still cold. Or, if you’re trying to reduce your spending on fuel, a space heater makes sense. It can heat a room using electricity and keep you comfortably warm. But they also come with a lot of dangers that people don’t consider as they fall asleep with space heaters running or forget to turn them off when they leave the house for the day.

Even in the office, works spaces stay colder than some employees can tolerate. If you allow them to keep a space heater at their desk, make sure there are also rules in place for ensuring to turn them off at the end of each day.

Some of the biggest dangers include:

  • Electrical shock near water sources
  • Short in wires that can spark fires
  • The ability to ignite fabrics

Evacuation Plan

Did you know that when there’s a fire in the home the time you have to get out in time can be just two minutes? That requires super quick reaction time. And when you’re being awoken from sleep that can seem even more impossible. Having an evacuation plan in place is important to ensure all family members make it out safely. Much like the fire drills practiced at work and school, spend some time deciding on how to get out of the home in an emergency and practicing it so everyone is confident doing it should the requirement arise.

Fire Extinguishers

One of your greatest defenses for combatting fires is an extinguisher. Not only are they mandatory in workplaces, having one at home can help you to lessen a total loss of property if, for example, a small fire starts at the kitchen stove. If it’s safe to do so you can smother the fire with an extinguisher as emergency crews arrive on the scene. You should learn how to properly use one before an accident occurs including understanding what extinguisher to use for each type of fire. Class C extinguishers are required for energized electrical equipment for example.


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