Most school districts have yet to come to a final conclusion on whether or not they’ll open schools yet for the Fall 2020 semester. For many states, the idea to mix in distance learning from home with social distancing in the classroom are part of the plans.
As a parent, that may mean a very different schedule and routine in the coming months. If you’re already thinking about getting yourself organized for this year’s ‘back to school’ distance learning plans, here are some tips to help make the transition and new norm smooth.
Create New Daily Routines
Since there is so much “new” happening each day now for both students, administrators and parents, it’s important to begin to build new daily routines that your child can become comfortable with. Establishing these early on in the school year will help ensure they follow through and provide a sense of normalcy back into the school day. Work in some dedicated times to plan in advance and even involve your children in some of the planning phases so they understand the importance of routines in their day. Designating time to learn, eat and even exercise are all key.
Dedicate Organized Work Spaces
Separating play areas from those places where learning will happen is important to maintain focus. Pick an area of the home you will dedicate to distance learning and set-up some staple areas such as a place to keep notebooks and papers neat and orderly. If you don’t have an extra office or bookshelf you can also organize a small rolling cart from a craft store and pull the cart back out to the kitchen table when the school day begins.
Maintain Regular Schedules
Schedules are important to completing goals. Prepare yourself in advance for the first few weeks as a new norm settles in. Even if there is push back, be sure to maintain schedules so that everyone gets familiar with how their days will now look going forward. Set dedicated time to log-in online and what time a break for lunch will occur. You can always tweak some of this as you see what works best for you and your children.