happy family outdoors

Now that winter is on its way out, we’re all looking forward to spending some time outdoors soaking in some feel-good vitamin D and getting in some much-needed physical activity. Here in Connecticut, early April is typically the time when we can be outdoors comfortably. The daylight is longer and putting in some extra plans to get outdoors each day is a great way to feel better, get in shape, and be healthier overall. 

Here are a few tips on healthier habits you can add to your routine this spring. 

Spend at least an hour outside

A little fresh air is good for everyone. Every age – and even pets can benefit from the mood-boosting effects of being outdoors. Studies have shown that any type of outdoor exercise- whether it’s going for a walk, playing catch with a ball, or riding a bike can help alleviate depression as the body releases endorphins and can even help lessen aches and pains.

Shop local, seasonal produce

Along with better health for our bodies comes the need to eat better. Spring is a great season to stock up on fruits and vegetables that are ripe and tasting their best for the season. Outdoor grilling and lighter meals can all be beneficial as we make our way into the warmer months. Shopping for these items and spending time cooking delicious meals can also reduce your monthly food bills.

Keep health and hygiene top of mind

As we venture outdoors and with uncertainties around COVID-19 variants still happening it’s important to protect yourself and your loved ones. If you’ll be in a crowded outdoor space or indoor, be sure to follow CDC recommendations for masks and social distancing and of course, stay home if you’re feeling sick. You should also prepare for the strong UV rays and bring sunscreen to protect your skin while you’re outdoors.